Where Does All This Stuff Come From?
Our antiques and vintage items come from many sources. We regularly attend auctions, go to yard sales, and bid at estate sales. But, another important source is our own customer base. We often find the most unusual items walk in the front door (well...not literally, of course).
Not everyone has the time, or inclination, to hold a yard sale or sell an item on their own. So, if you want to sell your vintage item; give us a try. Of course, price always depends on the desirablity, uniqueness, and condition of an item. But, we'll make a fair offer based on what we would be willing to pay at auction.
Clean It Out... But, Think Before You Toss!
Junk is junk, we all know that. So, a little common sense goes a long way in determining what has value. But, don't make the mistake of tossing something out just because you don't know what it is. We constantly hear horror stories about weird things being discarded knowing they had value to collectors. As a general rule-of-thumb, if it's old and interesting, get an appraisal. The antiques business is GREEN; everything we do is recycling.
Sorry... We don't do consignment sales. But, if we can't buy your item outright, we will help you find a consignment shop or advise you on how else you can find a buyer.
What We Buy...
Generally speaking, we are interested in items made in the 1950's or before. Recent (1960's or later) collectibles just aren't our style (e.g. collector plates, hot wheels cars, baseball cards, etc.) They may be valuable, but they don't really fit in our store. Any classic antiques such as crocks, oil lamps, and old telephones are always in demand and would be considered for purchase. But, what we really want to see are the unique, odd, or just plain weird things you've had in the attic. The following is a list to give you some idea of what may be in this category:
Local/Lincoln County Items
Antique Smalls
Logging Related Items
Farm & Barn Items
Hunting, Fishing & Outdoors
Most Sought After
These examples don't cover the spectrum of our interest in antiques. But, the table does give you a feel for the type of things that interest us. Moreover; what we buy, we sell. So, if you are looking to buy something, this list also indicates what you may find in our store.
Special Note On Firearms
We only deal with firearms meeting the BATF definition of "Antique". Generally speaking, this means the firearm must be manufactured BEFORE 1899 or be a black powder replica. A more complete definition is available here.